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Delivering Sustainable Project Solutions
Past work in Project Supervision completed from 1995 - 2020 under Sierra West Consulting, our predecessor company. Most of the work was large-scale utility projects undertaken under the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and local governments.
In 2020, Sierra West changed its name and evolved into the Maylan Group of Companies to fund and undertake its own international infrastructure projects.
• Second Urban Environmental Sanitation Project, Ghana, World Bank
Supervision of urban environmental sanitation project in the five largest cities of Ghana. Project included solid waste management, household sanitation, wastewater management, and urban drainage improvements. A major responsibility is to assist the municipal governments in increasing municipal revenues through the design and implementation of comprehensive reforms to their municipal finance structures.
• Power & Water Supply Project, Sierra Leone, World Bank
Supervision of water supply components of project to improve water supply and power infrastructure in Sierra Leone. The water supply component included the country’s capital and largest city, Freetown, as well as smaller towns throughout the country.
• Sichuan, Shandong & Yunnan Urban Environment Projects, China, World Bank
Evaluation of actual and projected financial performance of the project utility companies participating in three World Bank funded projects in Sichuan, Shandong and Yunnan provinces. Based on this evaluation, the status of compliance of each company with applicable Project Agreement financial covenants was determined.
• Chongqing Urban Environment Project, China, World Bank
Supervision of $535 million urban sector project in Chongqing. Specific responsibilities included: (i) supervision of status of compliance with Loan and Project Agreement covenants relating to financial performance and institutional development of project utility companies, and (ii) working with the EA/IAs in designing and implementing measures to ensure continued compliance with all relevant covenants.
• Hubei Urban Environment Project, China, World Bank
Supervision of urban environment project in four cities in Hubei Province. Project consists of three wastewater components and four solid waste management components. Specific responsibilities included: (i) supervision and review of financial and institutional aspects of project; (ii) supervision of status of compliance with Loan and Project Agreement covenants relating to financial performance of project utility companies; and (iii) appraisal of proposed additional works to be funded from unutilized proceeds of Bank loan.